Studies show that violence is a mindset. People who are likely to respond violently to conflict situations are those who have developed what is clinically referred to as aggressive behavior.

The beauty of mindsets is that they can be reset. This is what Elite Learners, Inc.’s anti-violence programs are designed to achieve. Its aim is to unteach violent tendencies.

Our program achieves anti-violence through three distinct programs:

Conflict Mediation/Peer Mediation Program

It is our view that to reduce violence, we must first change detrimental behavior that has been normalized within our communities. Through this program, we help individuals prone to violent behavior understand the impact of their actions. We encourage more constructive behavioral patterns even during conflicts.

Responder Services; Brookdale University Hospital

The responder service program sees trained professionals patrolling the Brookdale University Hospital.

Our interrupters respond to violent conflicts in and around the hospital. These include events that have resulted in shootings, stabbings, and gunshot wounds.

On our team, we also have a trained psychologist, who visits and follows up with families who have been affected by gun violence.

Rikers Island

Our Rikers Island Program uses Crisis Management Workshops to help Juveniles within the justice system. We use the psychology of introspection to promote behavioral change and allow for personal development.

Through our anti-violence programs, we have seen shootings reduce by 18% in Brownsville and 14% in Prospect Lefferts Gardens.

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67th precint


73rd precint

Camara Jackson
Executive Director and CEO

We look forward to working with you, thank you for choosing Elite Learners, Inc to partner with.


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